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Accidents Happen
Sometimes accidents happen. The difference between these accidents becoming a permanent stain and something removable is dependent on the protective barrier that has been applied to your carpet. This protective layer makes spots much easier to remove, and preventing the spot from penetrating the carpet fibres. While some spots will persist and become stains even if you have a protector on your carpet, they are few and far between and also much less noticeable.
Carpet protector helps to preserve your carpet and keep it in its original state. The carpet protector forms a protective barrier within the fibres of the carpet, making them much less susceptible to not only staining, but also daily wear and tear. The protectant prevents abrasive dirt and other particles from fully penetrating your carpet fibres, which is what causes them to break down and become worn prematurely.
If you would like a free estimate for this or any of our other services, please give Santos Carpet Cleaning a call at 204-615-7738.
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At Santos Carpet Cleaning, We Don't Cut Corners. We Clean them